話說我隻右手仲好痛. 所以帶住左d'壓力帶.
今日佢俾番分紙我. 我發現佢簽少左個名
我就追出去. 話: dave, one more signature please.
咁阿dave見到我隻手咁. 就問我:what's wrong with you?
me: very painful ar
dave: oh why?
me: 發炎 ar
dave 就望住我笑.
me: do you know what is 發炎
dave: haha. yes.
me: but i don't know how to say 發炎in english
dave: how do you get it (如果我冇聽錯好似係咁)
me: doctor said i use computer too often, and the position is not correct
超搞笑. 不過我知佢真係識聽中文既.